Massage & Yoga Combination
Whether you're preparing for birth, recovering from childbirth, or trying to address a chronic issue, hands on work followed by a dedicated practice are a perfect therapeutic combination. One hour on table, followed by one hour on the mat is typically
how these sessions are structured.
One answer to your body's requests for help may be some specific work in these areas:

Here's a sample session for Hip or Pelvic Pain:
- Is there Sacroiliac or SI joint dysfunction?
- Maybe Gluteus Medius is weak?
- Piriformis Syndrome?
- Tailbone pain?
- General tension in the buttocks?
- Pelvic Floor concerns?
- Restrictions with hip movements or walking?
- Generalized back pain?
- Knee, ankle or foot complaints can be related to pelvic positioning
Massage / Bodywork
- Hydrotherapy to warm muscles and fascia
- Kneading & pressing the affected and surrounding tissues to increase circulation
- Myofascial release
- Trigger Point Therapy
- Joint Manipulation
- Assisted stretches
- Preparing the body for unrestricted movement

Yoga Practice
- The practice is going to depend on what your body needs
- Unwinding or stretching in parts, strengthening in others
- For hips it might be classical or modified versions of Lunge, Pigeon, Squats or Warriors and more
- Gentle range of motion movements
- Somatic explorations that work on a deep level